Curso de finanzas personales en el Financial Times: los medios también educan
Y cómo una columna puede derivar en un contenido por el que la gente está dispuesta a pagar
El nuevo periodismo va de soluciones.
De aportar a la vida de los lectores más que de informar.
De explicar, contextualizar, orientar y educar más que de limitarse a una nota informativa.
El nuevo periodismo, también, va de un nuevo modelo de colaboración entre periodistas y medios.
No va más ese sometimiento en el que se espera que un periodista entregue todo su tiempo productivo a un medio de comunicación a cambio de un sueldo bajo.
Si acaso, el medio ha de pensar cómo capitalizar las oportunidades estructurales que tiene para generar negocio junto a esos periodistas de talento.
Como si se tratara de una colaboración más que de un empleo.
Como si se entendiera que en la nueva valoración por parte de las audiencias hay un reconocimiento equitativo tanto al poder de una cabecera como a la autoridad e influencia de un periodista.
Por eso me gusta la experimentación que hace el Financial Times lanzando un curso de finanzas personales a través de newsletter.
El curso cuesta 19 libras para los no suscriptores y es gratuito para todo tipo de suscriptores.
Tiene como gran protagonista a Claer Barret, Consumer Editor en el Financial Times.
Tiene una duración de seis semanas en las que los suscriptores recibirán cada miércoles consejos expertos y herramientas prácticas para tomar mejores decisiones financieras.
Lleva por título Sort Your Financial Life Out with Claer Barret.
Está acompañado de tips de ahorro, quizzes semanales, tareas prácticas y acceso gratuito a artículos relacionados del Financial Times.
Aquí el video de presentación
Claer Barret tiene el funnel completo.
Escribe una columna los fines de semana en el FT Times.
Conduce el Money Clinic Podcast.
Y habla de finanzas en televisión.
¿Por qué es importante?
Ratifica que el modelo de relacionamiento entre medios y periodistas ha evolucionado para convertirse más en una colaboración que en una relación de autoridad del medio sobre el periodista.
Llama a la implementación de productos destinados a incentivar la fidelidad de una audiencia en torno a una marca personal amplificada por el prestigio de un medio como el Financial Times.
Valida lo importante que es contar con periodistas multiplataforma, capaces de crear columnas de autor, de conducir un podcast, de aparecer en televisión y de orientar y educar a la audiencia a través de un curso en newsletters.
Modifica el típico pensamiento de los grandes medios que pasa por no activar iniciativas que parecen pequeñas por, en apariencia, no contribuir a resolver los grandes desafíos del periodismo.
Temas relacionados:
-2024, el año en que por fin los medios entenderán que deben ser algo más que información
-La fandomización del contenido, la gran oportunidad de los creadores de nicho
-El newsletter como metáfora de los medios
Shots para llevar
-La periodista Bárbara Anderson ha realizado el lanzamiento del producto mínimo viable de Anderson Report.
La misma Bárbara se encarga de explicar qué es Anderson Report en un post dentro de LinkedIn
Es un muy personal modo de curaduría de historias. Venía rumiando la idea de compartir lo que me gusta leer, explicarles un poco más sobre temas o personajes que conozco de mis casi 30 años de experiencia en medios y algo que me obsesiona que es poner cada hecho o situación (o cifra, o persona, o evento) en contexto. Quiero probar y tentarlos con una selección semanal de historias y compartirla con personas que tienen intereses y valores similares a los míos: curiosos, cuestionadores, de mano alzada, que no compran bulos aunque estén a buen precio, que valoran las historias bien contadas y los enfoques diferentes.
Y no solo de negocios y finanzas (que ha sido mi colonia por años) sino de otros temas que han ido ganando espacio en mi vida: inclusión y discapacidad por un lado y escritura de libros por el otro. ¿Probamos?
Mira aquí su primera entrega a través de un slideshow en Instagram.
-La misma Bárbara Anderson ha compartido en redes la iniciativa que tuvo la también periodista Yuriria Sierra para publicar un libro que reuniera las opiniones y preocupaciones de 100 mujeres mexicanas escribiéndole una carta a la futura presidenta de México.
Todo comenzó, cuenta Anderson, con el siguiente mensaje:
Tú, como una de las mujeres más relevantes de nuestro país y desde tu ámbito, ¿qué esperas de ella? Tú texto, junto con el de otras mujeres tan luminosas como tú, dará testimonio de este histórico momento. Necesito tu texto antes del 31 de enero. Una cuartilla, Times New Roman, 12 pts.
El libro será publicado por Editorial Océano en el marco del inminente triunfo de una de las dos mujeres punteras en las preferencias electorales por la presidencia de México.
Reúne textos de mujeres como Fernanda Familiar, Alondra de la Parra, Gloria Trevi y Tatiana Clouthier.
-El periodista Mario Maldonado acaparó la atención al anunciar una entrevista exclusiva con el ex presidente de México Enrique Peña Nieto, la primera desde que dejó el poder.
Su entrevista, próxima a ser publicada en exclusiva a través de El CEO, forma parte de un libro que será publicado este mismo mes basado en “una serie de encuentros y conversaciones con el expresidente en Madrid, España, y en Punta Cana, República Dominicana, durante el último año y medio.
-El newsletter de Kiko Llaneras se convirtió en ganador del IV Premio Vicente Verdú de Periodismo e Innovación.
El premio, que consiste en 6 mil euros, está convocado por la Asociación de Informadores de Elche, en Espala, con la colaboración de la Universidad Miguel Hernández.
Los argumentos del jurado para elegir a Kiko Llaneras y su equipo como ganador fueron los siguientes:
“Se trata de un boletín con análisis y explicaciones sobre la actualidad, en un formato breve, con una estructura ágil y un tono cercano”. Ha valorado el “uso del periodismo de datos para analizar la actualidad informativa de una forma original, abordando temas complejos con un lenguaje simple, claro y conversacional”. Esta newsletter fue un producto informativo pionero, “al ser uno de los primeros boletines con voz personal en un periódico en España, que ha demostrado su influencia y gran alcance, con más de 35.000 lectores. Representa el ejemplo de un producto periodístico valioso e innovador que puede enriquecer la oferta de un modelo de suscripciones”.
Conoce aquí el newsletter de Kiko Llaneras.
Y escucha aquí el podcast que grabé con él.
-Cinco estrategias del NYT para un modelo de negocio sustentable
Durante el ISOJ 2024 en Austin, Meredith Kopit Levien, CEO de The New York Times Company, destacó cinco tácticas clave que el NYT ha implementado en su búsqueda por un modelo de negocio perdurable. Estos puntos reflejan un enfoque en la innovación y la adaptación a los nuevos tiempos del periodismo:
Proporcionar Valor pagable: Crea contenido que los usuarios estén dispuestos a comprar.
Decisiones estratégicas a largo plazo: Las transformaciones empresariales requieren tiempo y decisión.
Innovación sobre tradición: No permitas que las prácticas antiguas limiten la creatividad y el progreso.
Transformar la industria desde dentro: Cambiar la cultura laboral es fundamental para impactar a toda la industria.
Liderazgo Ambicioso: Dirige con visión y coraje para guiar el cambio.
Mira aquí la nota completa del ISOJ.
-Maxime Topolov entrega una guía indispensable para entender qué tipo de CMS necesitan los medios acorde a su realidad.
Aquí, por ejemplo, comparte un mapa de los distintos elementos característicos de un diario impreso y su extensión digital en estos tiempos.
Habla enseguida de los once elementos indispensables para un CMS moderno.
Menciona, entre otros, la necesidad de un workflow de publicación flexible, una experiencia de usuario amigable al momento de armar una página, una integración absoluta del potencial de la IA como copiloto de un periodista, y la necesidad de poder armar paquetes de contenido en distinto orden y formato tanto para beneficio a nivel SEO como para un armado más completo de una historia para los periodistas y la audiencia.
En Argentina, la Fundación Perfil ha organizado un hackathon para combatir la desinformación provocada por la inteligencia artificial.
Será este 17 y 18 de abrik cuando los distintos participantes podrán experimentar para ganarse 1 millón 500 mil pesos argentinos, además de mentoring profesional, en caso de armar el mejor caso de combate a la desinformación.
-Adobe presentó una serie de innovaciones que están próximas a llegar a Adobe Premiere Pro.
De cumplirse tal cual ocurre en el video de presentación, la producción de video vivirá una auténtica revolución.
-Permite, por ejemplo, omitir y colocar objetos dentro del propio video con solo un clic y un prompt.
-Cuenta con la capacidad de alargar escenas cuando el pietaje que se tenga no sea suficiente con respecto a lo que se requiere.
-Realiza integraciones de terceros para que el creador elija el editor que más le convenza.
Es una locura 🤯
Wan-IFRA dio a conocer a los ganadores de los Digital Media Awards Europe 2024.
A continuación una lista de los proyectos ganadores con la información oficial en inglés.
Best Data Visualisation
Project: Community mapping – Tracking the health of our high streets
Company: The Courier and Press and Journal, United Kingdom
While trying to understand the impact of the pandemic, the cost of living crisis and inflation on a local level, the staff at The Courier and Press and Journal noticed a big gap in data illustrating vacancy rates of retail space on Scottish high streets. So they set out to fill that gap, going on foot through the cities to complete a census and turning hand drawn maps into interactive floor plans, building a data set and tool that is valuable for both their newsroom and their audiences. Judges commented: “This project is a great example of data journalism for local newspapers. Data visualisation formats are varied and well done. DC Thomson staff was able to offer the same approach in several cities, and managed to combine this data with human stories. It’s proof that newsrooms can produce structured data, turn it into engaging visualisations as well as transform it into empathic stories.”
Best in Audience Engagement (it’s a tie!)
Project: Kuglolov
Company: NOVA TV d.d., Croatia
Using creativity and a true understanding of how different age groups interacted with different platforms, the team at NOVA TV was able to create an interactive holiday campaign that engaged audiences and helped them to affirm their status as the most viewed channel in December 2023. The campaign also supported their goal of boosting viewership of 18-24 year olds, which increased by 9.5% compared to the previous few months, and smashing their goal of increased +15% app downloads, instead hitting a +1,228% growth. Judges said: “Love to see a contest example as a way to drive engagement. And a lighthearted one at that! The app integration makes for a great user experience, and the results were impressive. Wonderfully executed and a very original idea.”
Project: Revitalizing the WELT community
Company: WELT N24 GmbH, Germany
Wanting to stabilise subscriber engagement and improve retention, the team at WELT worked to improve the user experience of their Community online forum through greater transparency, better moderation quality and creating a more valuable discussion atmosphere. Their work included using AI-based comment moderation, increased collaboration with the editorial team, better access within the app, and a new, regular “video live chat” format with journalists answering readers’ questions. These efforts resulted in a growth in engagement between readers and the editorial team, about 13,500 page views for each “video live chat”, a successful “comment window” feature that increased page views, comments read and comments written, and a rise in customers citing the Community as USP. Judges remarked: “Commenting is a feature that many news companies implement, but few do well. However, as made clear in the WELT data, it is a feature that is important to many audiences. WELT took a systematic, data-driven approach to improving comments for audiences and clearly documented their increased engagement due to the changes.”
Best News Website
Project: ALT – a Norwegian one stop shop for personalized news content
Company: Amedia, Norway
How to give audiences access to more than 1,000 articles a day from over 100 newspapers without overwhelming them. That was the puzzle ALT was created to solve. Setting out to build a more personal, empowering way to engage with the news, the team worked toward a product that had personalisation at its core, with seamless navigation and an enriched user experience with unique features. Powered by a cross functional team who used data insights and user feedback to develop agile iterations, ALT is a service that provides users with a personal and intuitive experience that creates deeper connections with the content. ALT now has more than 60,000 unique weekly users that show greater loyalty and contributes to new subscriptions and upgrades. Judges commented: “I think it’s an excellent approach. A good idea and easy to use.”
Best Use of Video
Project: TF1 INFO / TF1 + : the origins of global warming
Company: TF1, France
Global warming is a vast and complex topic, but one that is ever present in our daily lives. Ahead of the COP28 summit, the team at TF1 wanted to create a video that could be a resource for all ages and educational levels, to help people understand the fundamentals of why climate change is happening and why it is so difficult to slow. Using a highly creative combination of volumetric video, CGI and AI they were able to create a format that allowed their journalists to effectively convey their content in a way that is engaging for a wide variety of audiences. The video was published on their news site and streaming platform, and is also shown in schools and colleges, bringing viewership of the video to the millions for this important topic. Judges said: “I love the way AI was used to create a magic world that helps people understand the story. The story is clear and easy to consume.” ”Very impressive work in terms of quality and innovation.”
Best Digital Subscription / Reader Revenue Project
Project: The launch of +Allt – Bonnier News’ first bundled product
Company: Bonnier News, Sweden
+Allt is Sweden’s first bundled digital news subscription product, including national and local titles, financial news, content from lifestyle sites and sports broadcasts. Launched in February of 2023 with the goal of increasing the number of brands read by consumers and enhancing engagement and experience, +Allt has exceeded 200,000 purchases within its first year, far surpassing their original goal of 50,000. The wide array of content and unified customer journey has helped combat retention with active and engaged subscribers, as well as contributed to Bonnier News’ high digital growth rate in 2023. Judges commented: “A good example how strong brands can add increased value to a bundle-product: 1+1=3”
Best Newsletter
Project: The Chris Giles on Central Banks Newsletter
Company: The Financial Times, United Kingdom
Launched in October 2023, and with 6,000 signups before the first edition was sent out, this newsletter has clearly addressed a topic audiences are interested in, and the conversational, concise writing style keeps readers curious and engaged. Boasting an average open rate of 48% in 2023, the newsletter is sent out every Tuesday and features thoughtful commentary, charts, graphics and analysis about the central banks from former economics editor, Chris Giles. A wonderful example of combining a trusted and passionate writer, unique yet digestible insights on a complex topic, and valuable visuals to create an engaging and impactful newsletter. Judges remarked: “One might imagine that a newsletter on Central Banks would be a bit dry, but that is certainly not the case here. An excellent example of a topic-based newsletter built around a highly knowledgeable writer who is clearly an engaging storyteller. Bravo!”
Best Podcast
Project: #HerNameWas
Company: Stampen Lokala Medier, Sweden
A powerful investigative podcast that puts an important spotlight on gender-based violence. This podcast calls attention to the fact that in many of these cases, the women could have been saved if different agencies or groups had acted faster or even at all. Just as important, #HerNameWas puts the women, the victims, and their stories at its core, making them the protagonists and honouring their memories. The podcast, which has been listened to more than 500,000 times, has also helped engage a larger audience of young women, with 85% of listeners being women and a majority of readers on related articles being young women aged 25-34 years old. Judges commented: “This is a targeted and well thought-out podcasting product. It is filling an important gap.”
Best Use of AI in the Newsroom
Project: Russmedia meets AI
Company: Russmedia, Austria
An exceptional blueprint for integrating AI into workflows and operations, Russmedia’s thoughtful and strategic implementation of AI is as impactful as it is ambitious. Harnessing a culture of innovation and adaptability, they incorporated AI into their CMS and Image Search Tool, as well as paywall strategies, content optimisation and user engagement tools, allowing journalists to work more effectively and efficiently and improving how they serve their audiences. Russmedia also made sure that these tools were not only available, but understood and embraced by staff through AI workshops, breakfast sessions and additional learning opportunities. With the new tools implemented and a culture of continuous learning, Russmedia has created a sustainable model for embracing the dynamic digital landscape ahead. Judges said: “This is a brilliant example of how the incorporation of AI tools into workflows can help journalists and newsrooms to become more efficient, more reader focused, and exploit their archives.”
Best Use of AI in Revenue Strategy
Project: The Platform Intelligence in News project (PIN)
Company: Ekstra Bladet, Denmark
With the goal of increasing editorial and commercial value by using AI to address reader’s pain points, as well as to put themselves in a strong position for future digitization, the Platform Intelligence in News (PIN) project was created. The team focused on three types of AI, recommender systems, natural language processing, and natural language generation. They went through a rigorous testing and evaluation process in order to most effectively implement the AI systems within Ekstra Bladet to create a richer news experience for their readers. Through their work they have seen increased subscription sales, use of paid-for news by subscribers and use of free news. With their created team of AI specialists and multitude of AI systems and use cases, the team has created a strong foundation for continuing to adapt to new technologies with creativity and innovation. Judge’s comments: “An intentional, methodical approach to integrating AI into your editorial workflow that balanced achieving efficiencies with a focus on delivering value to audiences.”
Best Fact Checking Project
Project: AFP Fact Check: how to verify information online
Company: Agence France-Presse, France
In a time when verifying what is real and what is fake can feel overwhelming, AFP has brilliantly leveraged video as an effective format for informing and showing journalists and the public how to verify content found online and identify potentially false information. These videos, created in long and short formats by the journalists, are useful well beyond their publication date and create trust through connecting the journalists straight to the viewers. Judges said: “A powerful and creative initiative that not only informs but also brings journalists and users new ways to cross-check the news they consume and/or report about. The choice of platform (YouTube) and format (short or longer videos) is particularly relevant for the audiences. The content comes across as authentic, credible and accessible.”
Best Innovative Digital Product
Project: The Short Version
Company: VG, Norway
VG’s articles have been increasing in word count, while their young readers had been asking for shorter articles. The solution? Creating expandable summaries that give readers a more concise version of the article. Using OpenAI’s GPT models to generate summaries, which are then fact checked and edited by journalists, the Short Versions are an exemplary product, showing the impact that listening to the needs of readers can have on engagement. The Short Versions are used by 20% of VG’s audience, within younger audience demographics that number is 30%, and readers of the Short Versions show increased read time on average. Judges remarked: “Great, smart feature aligned with clearly-identified audience needs. Keeping a human in the loop is awesome too.”
Best Native Advertising Campaign
Project:The Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation
Company: Bonnier News, Sweden
This native advertising campaign showcases the power of partnership, innovation and compelling content in creating commercial campaigns that bring maximum benefits to all partners. The Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation joined forces with Bonnier News to highlight their 120th anniversary with the goal of spreading knowledge and increasing donations. Utilising native and television features, social media, print outlets, ads, and a completely unique conversion widget which allowed readers to make donations easily and without leaving the article, the team was able to build an incredibly successful campaign with high levels of engagement and donations. Judges commented: “An inspiring, impactful and hugely successful integrated campaign. This entry is a masterclass in combining purposeful content with segmentation and audience awareness with platform appropriate technology to generate great results.
Forma parte de la incubadora de medios de Story Baker
Co-newsroom es la incubadora de nuevos medios y periodistas creada por Story Baker para ayudarte a impulsar tu marca personal y a desarrollar tu propio medio.
Si quieres asesoría personalizada en un ambiente colectivo, acceso al día a día de mis reflexiones creativas y conocer en exclusiva todas las tendencias que marcan el ritmo de la industria, hazte miembro de Co-newsroom.
Como cada año, Story Baker presenta Tendencias 2024: el año de las historIAs. Un ejercicio colaborativo internacional que reúne a los máximos líderes de la industria de los medios y los contenidos para compartir las tendencias que marcarán el nuevo año.